I am Derrick Kojo Nyamedi popularly known as  Junior Malcolm X and today am having an engagement with Samuel Obeng also known as  jesus Christ (I'm Back).He is a Level 300 student combining Finance and Information Studies. Currently serving as the Treasurer of the Information Studies Students Association (ISSA) and is in the SRC race for the office of the UGSRC TREASURER. I posed three questions to him,here are the questions I asked him.
 ♦️ First question is Why should we vote for you?
 ♦️Second question is on "How would you communicate complex financial information and ensure it is understood?
  ♦️Last question,Name something from your previous experience you feel would make you an asset in the role of UGSRC Treasurer,if voted for?
And below are his answers to the questions

    1. I believe I should be voted for because I have the experience and capabilities to manage the finances of the UGSRC. And not only that, I go by the motto: “Management, Not Position” and the rationale behind that is, I am not just going to be in the office of the SRC Treasurer to manage the inflows and outflows of money and present a financial information afterwards. What if I am not doing that, would I stay idle? No. Since level 100, I have done my best to help students with certain information and assistance such as internship opportunities that were available but unknown to them, seminars and conferences that they needed to attend, getting them past questions and sometimes providing answers to those questions, going to the Academic Office to ensure courses that do not appear on Mis Web for registration do appear for students to be able to register and many more. Some of these do not relate to the management of the accounts of the UGSRC but when it concerns the students then it does concern the SRC. This means that aside money management, I am also willing to go extra mile to ensure that the students are comfortable and be able to learn with sound minds.

    2. In communicating complex financial information to ensure that it is well understood, I have been there before, where I presented the end of semester financial statement to the Executive Council of the Information Studies Students Association and here’s how I go about that - certain Accounting terms are not easily understood by people who are not in the Accounting field and for that I present such information by replacing technical terms with ones that can be understood without changing the meaning of the original piece. So to present such financial information, I would first of all present the information in its original state as per the accounting rules and principles, and again attach notes that explain all technical financial terms.

       3. What can make me an asset in the role of the UGSRC Treasurer is that I do believe that the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and all other committees of the SRC forms one administrative body that work in the interests of students. But most times people going for the position of the UGSRC Treasurer only talks of giving value for dues but aside that, they do not talk of the extra they can do to help students. For me I will be a great asset to the entire student populace because aside giving value for our dues, keeping proper records of accounts based on acceptable accounting principles and providing accurate and fair financial information, I will also make sure that other needs of students that do not even relate to finances are met by doing what I do best - advocating for students, but this time, to work with the UGSRC President, Vice President, Secretary and the various committees to make sure that we all succeed in making UG great.

God bless UG
God bless Ghana.
Thank you.

*NB*: Watch out for more of such engagement with most of the SRC Aspirants.

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